3,746 research outputs found

    Flow-Based Network Analysis of the Caenorhabditis elegans Connectome

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    We exploit flow propagation on the directed neuronal network of the nematode C. elegans to reveal dynamically relevant features of its connectome. We find flow-based groupings of neurons at different levels of granularity, which we relate to functional and anatomical constituents of its nervous system. A systematic in silico evaluation of the full set of single and double neuron ablations is used to identify deletions that induce the most severe disruptions of the multi-resolution flow structure. Such ablations are linked to functionally relevant neurons, and suggest potential candidates for further in vivo investigation. In addition, we use the directional patterns of incoming and outgoing network flows at all scales to identify flow profiles for the neurons in the connectome, without pre-imposing a priori categories. The four flow roles identified are linked to signal propagation motivated by biological input-response scenarios

    Cellular mechanisms in sympatho‐modulation of the heart

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    Cardiovascular function relies on complex servo-controlled regulation mechanisms that involve both fast-acting feedback responses and long-lasting adaptations affecting the gene expression. The adrenergic system, with its specific receptor subtypes and intracellular signalling cascades provides the major regulatory system, while the parasympathetic system plays a minor role. At the molecular level, Ca2+ acts as the general signal trigger for the majority of cell activities including contraction, metabolism and growth. During recent years, important new results have emerged allowing an integrated view of how the multifarious Ca2+-signalling mechanisms transmit adrenergic impulses to intracellular target sites. These insights into cellular and molecular mechanisms are pivotal in improving pharmacological control of the sympathetic responses to surgical trauma and perioperative stress. They are examined in detail in this review, with particular emphasis being given to the differences in intracellular signalling between cardiomyocytes and vascular smooth muscle cell

    Approximate roots of a valuation and the Pierce-Birkhoff Conjecture

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    This paper is a step in our program for proving the Piece-Birkhoff Conjecture for regular rings of any dimension (this would contain, in particular, the classical Pierce-Birkhoff conjecture which deals with polynomial rings over a real closed field). We first recall the Connectedness and the Definable Connectedness conjectures, both of which imply the Pierce - Birkhoff conjecture. Then we introduce the notion of a system of approximate roots of a valuation v on a ring A (that is, a collection Q of elements of A such that every v-ideal is generated by products of elements of Q). We use approximate roots to give explicit formulae for sets in the real spectrum of A which we strongly believe to satisfy the conclusion of the Definable Connectedness conjecture. We prove this claim in the special case of dimension 2. This proves the Pierce-Birkhoff conjecture for arbitrary regular 2-dimensional rings

    Surface structure of i-Al(68)Pd(23)Mn(9): An analysis based on the T*(2F) tiling decorated by Bergman polytopes

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    A Fibonacci-like terrace structure along a 5fold axis of i-Al(68)Pd(23)Mn(9) monograins has been observed by T.M. Schaub et al. with scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM). In the planes of the terraces they see patterns of dark pentagonal holes. These holes are well oriented both within and among terraces. In one of 11 planes Schaub et al. obtain the autocorrelation function of the hole pattern. We interpret these experimental findings in terms of the Katz-Gratias-de Boisseu-Elser model. Following the suggestion of Elser that the Bergman clusters are the dominant motive of this model, we decorate the tiling T*(2F) by the Bergman polytopes only. The tiling T*(2F) allows us to use the powerful tools of the projection techniques. The Bergman polytopes can be easily replaced by the Mackay polytopes as the decoration objects. We derive a picture of ``geared'' layers of Bergman polytopes from the projection techniques as well as from a huge patch. Under the assumption that no surface reconstruction takes place, this picture explains the Fibonacci-sequence of the step heights as well as the related structure in the terraces qualitatively and to certain extent even quantitatively. Furthermore, this layer-picture requires that the polytopes are cut in order to allow for the observed step heights. We conclude that Bergman or Mackay clusters have to be considered as geometric building blocks of the i-AlPdMn structure rather than as energetically stable entities

    Formal Reasoning Using an Iterative Approach with an Integrated Web IDE

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    This paper summarizes our experience in communicating the elements of reasoning about correctness, and the central role of formal specifications in reasoning about modular, component-based software using a language and an integrated Web IDE designed for the purpose. Our experience in using such an IDE, supported by a 'push-button' verifying compiler in a classroom setting, reveals the highly iterative process learners use to arrive at suitably specified, automatically provable code. We explain how the IDE facilitates reasoning at each step of this process by providing human readable verification conditions (VCs) and feedback from an integrated prover that clearly indicates unprovable VCs to help identify obstacles to completing proofs. The paper discusses the IDE's usage in verified software development using several examples drawn from actual classroom lectures and student assignments to illustrate principles of design-by-contract and the iterative process of creating and subsequently refining assertions, such as loop invariants in object-based code.Comment: In Proceedings F-IDE 2015, arXiv:1508.0338

    Die gute alte Fruchtfolge als Bekämpfungsmethode gegen den Maiswurzelbohrer (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte)

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    Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), the western corn rootworm (WCR), is an immigrant from North America and one of the top ten global agricultural pest species. Within the last 15 years, WCR invaded Europe at 3 focal points, and has been steadily extending its domain soon threatening commercial maize production. After the first detection in Switzerland in 2000 near Lugano, careful observations by pheromone trap monitoring of this quarantine organism have been realized. Experiences with WCR whose populations dynamics are incompletely understood, have also been studied by installing a continuous maize field comparing population dynamics with rotated maize fields in the immediate surroundings. Our experiences with WCR populations in the Swiss territory are here briefly summarized: 1. Mandatory crop rotation in the canton Ticino slowed spread of WCR significantly. WCR infestations north of the main Alpine mountain chain were rare and eradicated by crop rotation. 2. In a continuous maize cropping system population of WCR can reach economic damage level, but can also be confined by unknown factors 3. Switzerland with its rigorous crop rotation program may serve as an example of farsighted WCR management preserving environment and saving money

    Estudio comparativo entre la hipótesis de la mortalidad aditiva y la hipótesis de la mortalidad compensatoria mediante el empleo de un modelo de efectos aleatorios basado en datos de recuperación de anillas

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    The interaction of an additional source of mortality with the underlying "natural" one strongly affects population dynamics. We propose an alternative way to test between two forms of interaction, total additivity and compensation. In contrast to existing approaches, only ring–recovery data where the cause of death of each recovered individual is known are needed. Cause–specific mortality proportions are estimated based on a multistate capture–recapture model. The hypotheses are tested by inspecting the correlation between the cause–specific mortality proportions. A variance decomposition is performed to obtain a proper estimate of the true process correlation. The estimation of the cause–specific mortality proportions is the most critical part of the approach. It works well if at least one of the two mortality rates varies across time and the two recovery rates are constant across time. We illustrate this methodology by a case study of White Storks Ciconia ciconia where we tested whether mortality induced by power line collision is additive to other forms of mortality.La interacción de una fuente adicional de mortalidad con la fuente subyacente "natural" incide de forma considerable en la dinámica poblacional. Proponemos un método alternativo para comprobar los dos tipos de interacción: la aditividad total y la compensación. A diferencia de lo que sucede con los modelos empleados actualmente, en este caso sólo se precisan datos de recuperación de anillas de cada uno de los individuos recuperados cuando se conoce la causa que ha provocado su muerte. Los porcentajes de mortalidad inducida por una causa específica se estiman a partir de un modelo de captura–recaptura multiestado. Las hipótesis se comprueban examinando la correlación existente entre los porcentajes de mortalidad inducida por una causa específica. Posteriormente, se efectúa una descomposición de varianza a fin de obtener una estimación apropiada de la verdadera correlación del proceso. La estimación de los porcentajes de mortalidad provocada por una causa específica representa el punto más crítico de este planteamiento. Funciona adecuadamente si por lo menos una de las dos tasas de mortalidad varía con el tiempo y las dos tasas de recuperación se mantienen constantes en el tiempo. Para ilustrar esta metodología, presentamos un estudio de la cigüeña blanca Ciconia ciconia, en el que verificamos si la mortalidad inducida por colisiones con los tendidos eléctricos se suma a otras formas de mortalidad

    Perioperative Strategien zur Regulierung des Sympathikotonus

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    Zusammenfassung: Obwohl für verschiedene therapeutische Konzepte zur Verminderung der kardialen perioperativen Morbidität und Mortalität zunehmend Evidenz vorliegt, bleibt die tatsächliche Umsetzung solcher Konzepte im klinischen Alltag oft aus. Zwar ist einem großen Teil der klinisch tätigen Ärzte die wachsende Literatur bekannt; dieses Wissen wird aber nur in einem Teil der Fälle angewendet, selbst wenn allgemein akzeptierte Indikationen bestehen. Die vorliegende Übersichtsarbeit hat deshalb zum Ziel, die Gründe für die mangelnde Umsetzung aufzuzeigen und nochmals die wesentlichen Grundlagen sowie die klinische Bedeutung einzelner Strategien einschließlich des α2-Agonismus, der β-adrenergen Blockade und der Regionalanästhesien zusammenzufassen. Dies insbesondere im Hinblick auf die klinische Anwendung dieser Konzepte in einem allgemeinanästhesiologischen Umfeld. Zudem wird ein Ausblick in die auf "gene profiling" basierende individualisierte Pharmakotherapie der perioperativen Medizin von morgen gegebe